Escaping the Rat Race Archives - Memories Not Material Things

Square Peg in a Round Hole

Geneva, Switzerland – It’s another Monday morning, and I’m not headed into the office – thank God! Rather I’m sitting in a bougeoius coffee shop in the heart of Geneva. Eating my Bircher muesli and drinking a creamy flat white, that came with an artfully formed heart stamped into the top. I have a hangover. The after effects of three days of drinking rose in the sweltering heat. My yearly jaunt here in July to celebrate my friend Aud’s birthday always puts a serious dent in my bank balance – which now after a year of not working is non-existent – and eats a hole in my liver. A lives life to the full. Nothing is done by halves. Her birthday is a full-blown affair that always tests my stamina. And compared to her, I have none.