Comments on: How Do You Build a Community When You’re Single? Inspiring Individuals on How to Work from Anywhere In Order To Get The Lifestyle They Deserve Sat, 19 Oct 2019 01:02:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: Fri, 03 Nov 2017 18:56:45 +0000 Since I originally wrote that article, I have gotten better at building a community as a singleton. One of the easiest ways that I have found now to help with that is to search FaceBook groups for the city you end up going to. For example, I love hiking and found that there is a Medellin Hiking Group. I also like blogging. Guess what?! There is also a Blogging in Medellin Group. Through meetups, with these FaceBook groups I’ve met like-minded people. I’ve also learned to put myself out there more. It’s kind of scary, but it does no harm to post on city expat groups something like, ‘Hi I’m new to X city. Anyone fancy a coffee or a beer?’ You’d be surprised how many other ex-pats are looking for a community and friendship too. I have also learned, that I am much happier living with other people. So at 41, I am not sharing a flat in Medellin with a Canadian and a Colombian. More than anything that has helped. As for love, well….

By: Raymond F Conlon Fri, 27 Oct 2017 05:34:32 +0000 Gwendolyn, As I read your article, I thought you would give me the answer. I am in the same place and the answer could be to love yourself and be your own best friend. As I write these words I know I cannot take my own advice. My wife walked out after 15 years and I hate coming to an empty home. I thought your answer would be to find community in all those you meet in your travels that you wouldn’t have met if you had “YOUR OWN PLACE”. Seems to me that if you are doing what you love you will find a mate…..unless you prefer to be single. It would be nice to talk with you more about this.

By: Digital Nomad. Co-working. Co-living: Just what do these 21st Century Catch-phrases mean? - Memories Not Material Things Fri, 23 Jun 2017 21:49:41 +0000 […] I was living in London, England, my single friends – and I –  regularly bemoaned that it was so hard to build a community as a single person in a sprawling metropolis.  Everyone’s lives were so busy.  Yet we all craved that […]

By: Fri, 26 Feb 2016 18:34:08 +0000 Thank you for your comment Sofia. I’m sorry that I’ve only just now seen it. Where have you ended up since your move? I’m still living with friends and family, but will be off to South Korea in May to teach English for a year. There I will have my own apartment. I’m dreading living ‘alone’ again, particularly after the lovely few months co-habiting with others. I wonder if the solution is to own a two-bedroom place and rent out or air bnb the other room, so that you have your own place as it were, but with the occassional company. I’ve also considered becoming a member of Servas, which hosts travellers for free. There is the additional option of becoming an exchange student host. I feel that these and other similar options may be what I explore after South Korea. I’d love to hear what solution you’ve found. Keep in touch!

By: Sofia Wed, 06 Jan 2016 21:26:47 +0000 It’s great to hear there are other people like me, thanks for writing this up. I used to travel just like you and loved living with family and friends and in various communities. I’ve always hated living on my own, but prized my own space within whatever group was around me as well. And back then it wasn’t only me who felt like that, I can list lots of people who invited me to share with them because they didn’t want to live alone. Only lately it seems I’m the only one I know who doesn’t want to live alone. I have a circle of people with the same interests but we’re all spread around south east England and each of us lives alone, very expensively! Other people I used to share with once have moved right out of England now to various parts of Europe (cheaper better quality of life). I’m looking for a solution. Someone mentioned co-housing but there are hardly any schemes available and from what I understand you still live on your own but manage the neighbourhood collectively. I have to move in a month or so and have no idea where to buy next. I’m sure there are lots of singles out there looking to buy who can’t afford it on their own and don’t want to live alone. It doesn’t seem to make sense. Great to share all these thoughts, thanks!
