South Africa - Memories Not Material Things

South Africa

South Africa

Chasing the Sun in Cape Town

The tail-end part of my break in Cape Town was marred by erratic fronts, both weatherize and personally. At points, I had desperately wanted leave the grey cold and gusting winds that had rolled in, leaving me feeling lonely and melancholy in a city where I...Read More »

High Tea: Exploring the Evolution of Time in Cape Town

Something felt quite wrong about walking up the expansively wide brick path of The Company’s Garden from Wale Street to Annandale Street on my way to a luxuriously indulgent high tea at the Mount Nelson. Lingering on the regularly placed park benches and passed out...Read More »

12 Hours Drinking in Cape Town

I know what you might be thinking, ‘Not, another backpacker’s blog about getting pissed in a foreign city and waking up with all their money stollen and no clue where they are.’ Well, I’m not that kind of traveller, and this isn’t that kind of...Read More »

5 Ways to Reduce Your Travelling Costs

Do you want to travel the world – or even just go on holiday somewhere exotic, but think it is too expensive? Well here are my 5 top tips for reducing your costs whilst abroad.

#1 – Stay Somewhere for FREE

The Woodstock Project

Cape Town, South Africa – A commonality among all the countries I’ve traveled to is the proliferation of street art. Ive found it hidden on a crumbling side street wall in a remote village on the small traditional island of Lombak. A sketch...Read More »

Rebuild My Soul Africa. Don't Let Me Go Africa.